Thank you for visiting our website and the JFY Imprint Store. We are so happy that we can help out our customers by creating online stores for them. We would like to share important information about the stores with you.
Items listed are ordered and printed after the deadline date.
The length that a store remains open is selected by the customer.
We meet with the customer and help them choose the items they want in their store. Every effort is made to pick items that are available, but sometimes they are sold out by the time the store closes and we have to choose alternative items. We do our best to select items that match the original as closely as possible. If we can't find a suitable substitute we will contact you to make a different choice.
Once the deadline ends or the store closes the normal time between closing date and shipping is 14-21 days. This can be shorter if it is a small store or product is readily available.
We want your shopping experience to be an enjoyable one so if we can help please give us a call (563)875.2831 or drop us an email